Author                       : Sholehudin , M.Pd

Publisher                  : PT INTIMEDIA CIPTANUSANTARA

Year published        : 2008

 Page thickness       : 112

Dimensions              : 15.5 cm x 23 cm


This book contains how a person can be relied upon in various aspects of life.  This book explains to the reader what being a good leader is like.  In addition, it is also explained how to organize well. And how we team up in leadership.

To produce youth with a leadership spirit that is reliable in all aspects of life, a forum is needed as a place for young people to train and develop their abilities.  To train the   leadership spirit of the youth can be through organizations. In  an organization,  youth can develop themselves, because in the  organization there is an  organizational structure which is a mechanism  where the mechanisms are     it can be  managed by members of the  organization.  In the  organizational  structure  shows the framework of    the arrangement of the embodiment of a fixed pattern of  relationships – relationships between  functions,  parts or  positions  – positions,  or  people  who show different positions, duties of  authority and responsibilities  in an organization.   The organizational structure also contains elements of work specialization, standardization of coordination, centralization or decentralization in decision making and size    work units.

It is very important to  develop  a youth  organization so that we can produce young people who are able to lead in various perspectives of life.      This book was created to increase the insight of young people so that they can later become truly reliable leaders in various aspects of life.

The first chapter contains about youth organizations which   in it contains the meaning of organizations.  In addition, there is also  a  structural structure that exists in  an organization.  Such as what are the important aspects of the organization and how the process of organizing an organization itself.   In addition, there is also how to develop youth organizations.

Chapter two talks about leadership.  At the beginning of this chapter there is an introduction that discusses the study of leadership.   In addition to the introduction, this chapter is about the definition of leadership.  According to the content of the definition, leadership is an abstract concept, but the results are real, sometimes   leadership leads to art, but often related to    science.  In addition to definitions, this chapter also contains the nature and characteristics of leadership. These traits and characteristics include: Stamina, There is something to strive for,  the leader must have followers, enemas, skills  , in genuityn.

In chapter three there is not so much discussed in it, but the content is quite interesting to read. The content contained in this chapter is the theory of leadership.  In addition to leadership theory, there is also a discussion of views on leadership  and  various types of  leadership theories.





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